Why We Should read Books


Why We Should read Books


What the books taught❓

📖 If you read, you will 📖 read

If you have ten rupees, keep eight rupees for your own expenses. There is a saying that out of the remaining two rupees, take a rose flower for one rupee and take a book of one rupee. Looking at roses will tell you why to live and the book will teach you how to live. Books are very valuable. In it, Marathi literature is an unending wealth. The more you loot, the more it grows. If a Dnyaneshwari is read over and over again, the meaning of each ovi is understood anew. We Marathi people are really lucky, just as we have got a great history, so have a great tradition of literature.

When I started reading books, I didn't decide what to read. I went on to read what would come up in the public reading and slowly lost a huge treasure trove of Marathi literature. It started with a book called Papillon. Henry Sharrier, a French criminal, wrote the book. Henry was known as Papillon in the criminal world. He wasn't a big criminal. But he was falsely accused of murder and was sent to a notorious prison in French Guiana. There he was sentenced to severe imprisonment. He decided to teach a lesson to those who falsely implicated him, to stay out of jail, and to go back to France. His journey wasn't easy. Yet he ran away on the strength of extreme stubbornness, courage. He wrote the whole story himself and Ravindra Gurjar brought it in Marathi. This book teaches that difficulties can come at any time in life and it takes courage, indomitable self-confidence to face them. The struggle comes every step of the way and it has to be fought stubbornly in the face of it.

When it comes to courage and indomitable self-confidence, Savarkar's book "My Birthday" cannot be forgotten. Savarkar was sentenced to two life sentences. One was born at 25 years old. That is, Savarkar was going to come out of jail after 50 years. In short, there was no possibility of coming out alive. Yet they did not waver when they heard the punishment. He listened to the British government. You won't be able to stay in India for long. So my sentence will end soon. Only they can show such indomitable confidence. When he went to the Cellular Jail in the Andamans, he met with a hard bari, the physical-mental torture began. Had to be washed in a given pot. After making a small doubt in his own cell, his smell kept ringing. In spite of such terrible adversity, he was dreaming of the independence of Hindustan. If we want to learn that we can have crises while living and that we can overcome them, we must read 'My Birthday'. If there is any adverse situation in our way compared to what the revolutionaries have suffered, we begin to feel that it is nothing.

There are many examples of books that teach you to live. One of them I read is - Deserter! Ganther Bahnman was a German soldier. He was posted in Libya. While he was fighting for Hitler, his father was hanged by Nazi soldiers. So he decided to leave the army. His dream was to go to Germany and meet his mother. But his journey was not easy. He could have been killed for fleeing the army. Nevertheless, he continued to run away, bowing to the Germans and their allies, the Italian army, and was finally found in the clutches of the enemy, the British. He learned English while in British captivity and wrote this book.

Vijay Deodhar translated many books. Many of those books are based on adventure. All these books urge us to dare. The book 'Seventy Days' translated by Ravindra Gurjar should also be mentioned. The book narrates the struggles of a plane to survive when a plane crashed into a remote mountain and the passengers who survived in it struggled to survive. These travelers cut and ate the mass of the dead fellow passengers to keep themselves alive in the snowy regions. They were eventually discovered and released. Those who want to commit suicide due to failure in life should definitely read this book to know how it is an extreme attempt to survive. This true story inspires us to live even in the most adverse circumstances. If you want to know how many struggle to survive, you should also read the book 'I must escape'. Russia had taken some British soldiers hostage. The subject of this book is the tremendous courage these soldiers took to escape. After escaping from prison, these soldiers walked from Russia to India. The British were in power here. Knowing that the British would send him back to England when he arrived in India, he travelled through the coldest regions and walked to India, enduring the heat of fasting. They came to the British army on the border of India and were sent to England. It can be learned from this book that in order to gain freedom, a man is generous with life on occasion, overcomes numerous obstacles. We realize how precious the freedom we have is. It also knows how hard a soldier is working for the country.

Many biographies were written in India as well. The book 'The Grandmother of London' is one of them. Radhabai Vanarase, a widow living in Vidarbha during the British period, was suffering from poverty. It was impossible to feed the girls. She married a second time and moved to England. Unfortunately, the second husband also passed away. Poverty came again. I didn't know the English language. She was uneducated. Still living in England, she ran an eatery and bought four buildings in London. P.L. Deshpande, Atre, Yashwantrao Chavan used to go to London and go to her eatery. Atre even praised her saying that because of them, London should also be a part of Maharashtra. This book makes the reader optimistic, inspired to struggle. No matter how many crises there are, it can be learned from this book that by working hard, crises can be overcome, success can be achieved.

Some books teach us to live, while some books teach us why to live. It is possible to laugh at the inconsistency of life. Deshpande's books teach and this book shows that the greatest joy of life is that one can laugh at such a heart. His joke that "if they eat fodder, they wear a box cap and put it in the district jail and if they eat millions of rupees, they make people's representatives". That's how I am" is still a reflection of the common man. Acharya Atre's books also make a similar laugh. The books of D.M. Mirasdar, Ramesh Mantri are also entertaining. Sh.N. Navre, W.P. Kale says a lot from the short story. The fine writings of Venkatesh Madgulkar and Ravindra Pinge are very readable. Madgulkar has described his village beautifully and has written extensively on the wanderlust that Pinge himself has undertaken. This writing makes you look around. Life shows a lot all around. His books teach us that we need to put aside our little problems, our daily cries and enjoy it.

Stories, biographies are expressed in many words. But the poem conveys a very big meaning in a few words. How to be optimistic, positivity can be learnt from the last stanza of Mangesh Padgaonkar's 'On this birth, on this life'. Padgaonkar has written,

I will pinch this soil a thousand times with these lips

To live here, you have to endure eternal death

Here on the peepal leaf, the whole world is floating

On this birth,

Love this life for a hundred times.

We suffer endless suffering while living. On occasion, he also suffers death. Yet Padgaonkar writes that just as Sri Krishna floated from the peepal leaf in the flood, so will the universe. This optimism gives a lot of boost to the mind when there are many negative events happening around. Another thing that is needed to uplift our mind is for a person to stand by us. Even if one is just patient, great crises can be overcome. This is what kusumagraja's 'kana' poetry teaches. One of their students has come to Kusumagraja. His house has been destroyed as flood water has entered his house. He comes and says,

'Do you know me❓ sir' - who came in the rain,

The clothes were curly, the water on the hair.

He sat down for a moment, then smiled and said looking up at the top.

'Gangamai came as a guest, went to live in the nest'.

Flood water entered his house. But without naming the water, he calls it Gangamai and starts saying it further.

"Mahervasin danced like a pori in the four walls,

How to go to the free hand, the wife, however, survived.

The wall collapsed, the stove was extinguished, it was not taken away,

Placed a little water on the eyelids as prasad.

Sangay sir is fighting now by taking over the steward

Padki is building a wall, he is removing the mud."

Kusumagraja thought of giving him some money as help. But he denied it. Kusumagraj writes,

As soon as his hand went to his pocket, he got up smiling and laughing.

'Don't want the money, sir, it felt a little lonely.

The world was broken, but the backbone was not broken

Put your hands on your back, just say fight." ❗

This flooded student is very respected. He doesn't want money, he just wants patience from sir. He only wants Sarani to put his hands on his back and call it a fight.


This poem of Kusumagraja was remembered by many only for wanting it.

for❗ patience

This is the specialty of Marathi books. These books give strength to live. It is as if they are fighting with their hands on their backs. So you should have books in your collection. You should give books to your next generation instead of giving wealth. Because the generation that gets wealth becomes crippled while the generation that gets books becomes competent. There is a poem by Pablo Neruda highlighting the importance of books,

If you do not travel,

If you do not read,

If you do not listen to the sounds of life,*You start dying slowly

If you're not traveling, reading a book, experiencing the colours of life, you're slowly dying! !️

📖 You will read only if you 📖 read


Good !️🌹morning🌹! !️



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🙎🏻 ♂️Dinesh Vishnu Dhole

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